Kherson City Minor children Shelter (half way house) (2003/2004)

We got notification from our street children that they had been picked up by the police and delivered to a local shelter. Once the children had arrived we got a call from one of them asking for us to bring some toys to them. This was are first visit to the Kherson (half way) house for children who are picked up by the police in 2003.. In 2004 most of our street children are now taken care of by this center. We have donated summer shoes, food and
working towards completing there list of items that they need for 2004. Because of this shelter the street children problem has been resolved.

Out of all of the centers I've been to this was by far the nicest. They had a full staff including a doctor that showed us around. The facility is sponsored by the International Rotary club and you could see their donations everyone, (TV's furniture, ect). Out of the 7 street children that were taken to the center 3 were still their the other four had escaped already back to the streets.

The needs of this center are small compared to the rest and I've place a list of items that they need at the bottom. I felt very good about the honesty of this center.

The children are keep here for the first 3 months so they can adjust to their new life before being sent to a standard children home.

I was quickly greeted by the street children I knew. Yana was speaking to the teacher while Lana worked the camera. We proved the teacher will new learning tools and a few games. The items she needed the most was the basics. (paper and pen's)
The children were very happy to have company. There are five girls at this center. Yana going over the new items we bought.
Most of the children were very healthily This 15yr girl was brought in by the police after her parent left her working in the fields with her younger brothers.  The parents left town. Most of the children get regular medical treatment.
One of the many bedrooms. Each floor had a private bathroom Each room has one person in charge of it.
Twice a day roll call Each teacher is present during the roll call Each group has a leader picked daily to report on the group.
A typical classroom We found modern furniture in each room Even though most of the children can't read they are taught the basics.
The center has computers and piano A basic kitchen provide soup and bread daily.
The basics is provided. We plan to sponsor a pizza party soon.
The center has a full time Doctor on staff. Plus Art work though out the center.


Here is a list of items they needed in 2004. We took care of everything except for the TV and this is a item on our 2005 list. .  1-7 are items that we get yearly for the children.


1. Shoes - We can buy shows for $2-$3 a pair for summer and $5-$10 for Winter.

2. Candies and some yummy staff :)

3. Socks.

4. Underwear and pajamas.

5. Warm clothing

6. Games and plastic designer (constructor) Lego.

7. A board for the wall for lessons with swept.


Large items request:

  1. Generator for power during outage $995.00 (Done)
  2. Gas stove  $500.00 (Done)
  3. Microwave $400.00 (Done)
  4. Large TV for the children $400.00 (Pending 2005)

