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About Kherson

The town was founded by Catherine the Great in 1778 as the cradle of the Russian Black Sea Navy. The history of the city of the XVIII century is closely connected with the names of Alexander Suvorov, Fyodor Ushakov, John Howard, Gngory Potyemkin.

Due to its geographical position (23 miles from the Black Sea) Kherson has sea, river, oil and cereal ports. The industrial image of the city is realized in shipbuilding, textile and agricultural machinery.
Kherson is famous for the Local Lore Museum (founded in the XIX-th century) and the Museum of Fine Arts with its rich collection of Russian and Ukrainian painting of the last three centuries.

Take advantage of Your stay and visit some historical places, to appreciate the exotic flood forest of the Dnieper's Delta, to enjoy the folk music, to taste fantastic Taurian wines and brandies.

Now Kherson population - about 400.000 inhabitants.

Kherson Region

Possesses favorable geographical and climatic position. It is washed by the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. The third longest river of Europe, the Dnieper River, crosses the Region giving its water to the immense fields. Having rich black soils and more than 260 sunny days a year Tauria is said to be the bread-basket of the Ukraine, as well as one of the best orchard and tomato areas of the country. As for the Kherson watermelons they are beyond comparison.
Majestic Dnieper and Black Sea, variety of fruits and vegetables, fishing and hunting make Your stay in Kherson Region unforgettable


Modern Kherson

          Kherson is the city of two ports, the River and the Sea one, that's why the Kherson trade port is connected with 42 countries of the world.
     Kherson streches along the high right bank of the river Dnipro, this is the area where the Dnipro runs into many branches and forms many islands. Kherson is situated on the plain territory called the Steppe.
     The city's  large railway junction connects Kherson with  Moscow, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Simferopol and other cities of the country and CIS.
     Modern Kherson is the large city with the population of 402,9 thousand inhabitants (given by the beginning of 1997) and the area of about 100 square km, the city with a famous history and rich culture.
     The Dniepro and the wide green zone of the city boundaries create magnificent conditions for rest of Kherson people and visitors of city.
     The climate of Kherson is moderate continental. The average temperature here is rather high - plus 9-10°C and the rainfall is quite small - only 320-400 mm. It remains to add that the frostless period in the region lasts for about 288 days and the sunny days in the year amount to 260-280. As you see Kherson is one of the warmest cities in Ukraine.
     Kherson is one of the most «green» cities of Ukraine -on the territory of Kherson some urban parks are located: the Park of Lenin Comsomol, Lenin Park where the Great Oak of more than hundred years grows, and the Park of Glory which stretches above the Dniepro.
     The Dniepro flows into the Black Sea than, but near Kherson it forms a pleasant recreation zone, the river is fringed with the unique nature of the South of Ukraine, with its unusual flora and fauna.
      Our Dniepro gives us opportunity to keep the Hydropark in Kherson, where in summer thousands of people can have a rest.
     The central street of Kherson- prospectus named in honor of the admiral Ushakov - begins with the Quay of the Dniepro, where you can find the   monument to the First Shipwrights.
     Kherson is the large industrial centre.
     Economically Kherson region is agrarian-industrial area and specializes on manufacture of a grain, meat and milk. The industry is submitted by the enterprises of shipbuilding, electrical and agricultural mechanical engineering, electronics, construction, processing of petroleum and agricultural products. presence of water and railway transport units has the large importance for economy of an area. Kherson famous manufacturing enterprises are Cotton Mill, Agricultural Machinery Plant, Electric motors Plant, Glassware Factory, Ready-made Clothing Factory, Cannery Factory Oil Refinery Plant, etc.
     One of the country's largest elevators was built in Kherson in 1931in the very place of co-called Alexander Shantz - the fortress that was erected in the 19th century to protect Russian lands.
     In Kherson there are 69 schools for 53 thousand schoolchildren, among them: 4 Liceums, 3 grammar schools, 5 specialized and 1 national, 2 schools of a private pattern of ownership.
     The maximum education can be received in higher educational institutions: Technological University, Teacher's Training  University, Agricultural University, Kherson branch of the Ukrainian State Sea Technological University.and some private ones.
     You can be selective in  means of mass media in Kherson as they are given in a large choice to the population. There are weekly and monthly printed regional editions - newspapers and magazines - with the circulation from 5 000 to 70 000 ("Grivna", "Khersonsky Visnyk", "Novy Den", "Gorod'Ok",etc.). There is Kherson regional state TV company and radio station, private TV companies and FM radio stations. The mass media of the city contains and gives coverage of local, home and foreign affairs. The publications deal with very burning problems of the city history, latest events and forecasts for future. They also touch upon cultural, sport news.
     It's a very important fact that 5 regional and urban hospitals work in the city, serving adults and children, the maternity houses are also included into this structure.
     The sport life of city is decorated with traditional popular competitions, among which international automobile competition «Chumatsky Shlyah», national youth final competition in paddling named « Sculls of Hopes »,  championship of Ukraine in handball among female teams of higher league with participation of the Kherson team «Dnepryanka».
     In Kherson  5 stadiums, 268 sports platforms and fields, 4 pools are numbered at the disposal of Kherson people and the guests of the city, so playing tennis or football is available for those who wish.
     "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" - Kherson people prefer to combine work with the rest and entertainment, they have opportunity to visit theatres: Drama Theatre named on behalf of M. Kulish, the Puppet Theatre, which are waiting for their on-lookers. The youth of the city considers the cinema "Ukraine", having been equipped to the latest standard with the digital dolby surround sound, to be the most popular in the city. Night clubs are also of great popularity among the youth, they were opened in all the districts of the city, but mostly in the centre( "Disco 2000", "McDuck ", "Millenium" and others)
     The nature of the Kherson territory is unique. On the territory of of Kherson area the unique natural reserve is located  - Askania Nova - the first reserve of Ukraine. The largest value of reserve - virgin soil of the Steppe of 11054 hectares.                 
     Being in Kherson you are sure to find the place to rest: on the picturesque banks of the Dniepro enjoying perfect nature of Kherson  land, walking along green parks of Kherson or in the small cafe in the centre of the city with glorious history. - Kherson Ukraine Marriage Agency   Copyright © 2000 - 2018

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