Being a single American Men, I have
travel to both Russian and Ukraine looking for my perfect "Soul Mate". During
these many trips I used many Dating Agencies and Social clubs. I learned the hard way
about the good and bad aspects of these organizations. I learned that most of the agencies
were more concerned about making money then helping the clients. I wanted to create an agency that was less concerned about money
and more concerned on how to introduce the nice local women to a suitable man. I
wanted an agency that didn't allow the women to take advantage of the man and ask for
money and expensive gifts. An agency that gave the men a chance to meet their soul mates
without being taken to the cleaners. I am not saying that all agencies were bad. I did
meet a "few" that were legit and had good intentions.
In order to ensure that each client is able to meet the
most number of women and avoid what I learned to call "agencies girls" we offer
a 100 percent guarantee, if for any reason the women that you have selected provided you
and us with false information and are not satisfied we will refund your money for the
meeting. You won't find this with any of the other agencies. I could tell you many
stories about the strangers that showed up at some of my meetings and how the ladies
photos were a couple of years old. .
A little about myself. I was born and raised in good
old Florida, USA. I retired two years ago at the ripe age of 34. My past work experience
has been in the Internet and computer industries; this is where I made my money. Otherwise
I just a normal guy from America.
My personal web site is at
The reason I picked Kherson to start my
agency was because of the high quality of the local women. These women not only have
higher values and standards but also are also highly educated.
Kherson has been throughout history a place of employment for ladies, During the Czar
period the ladies were sent to Kherson to keep the navy happy. During the Soviet days
Kherson was the location of fabric factories that employed 1000's of ladies. There is also
for some reason of genetics a high female birth rate. The current ratio is seem to be
around 6 to 1 when you walk the streets and see so many ladies. (The offical ratio is 1 to
1.8). Disco's being higher around 20 to 1. "Men have to pay to enter". Due to a low male birth rate and slow economics most of the
local women have trouble finding a good man. The main reason that the meet foreigners is
not because they just want to leave, it because they want to have a family and someone to
love and can provide for their family. You will have to meet them to understand.
Kherson Girls isn't just a place were the local women
hang out. We provide them with Internet access, Basic English language training and a
chance to meet foreign men and all this is Free. All of the charges associated with
meeting these women just cover the cost of the club. Anything that is left over goes
to the children and medical fund to help some of these ladies. If you wish to help
donations are accepted for new equipment and medicine. Please see
Please email me if you have any further
Kevin Hayes (Florida, USA).