Free Video Chat Everyday
To check Kherson Current
time click here
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We are now Supporting Microsoft Net
meeting and Yahoo
Messenger (click to download) live in our office.
We will attempt to have FREE chats during the
hours mention below. However we do not guarantee that our FREE chats will occur and they
are secondary to paid private chats during the same time frame. Please if you connect to a
chat and the lady isn't responding to you it would mostly likely be a private chat going
on at the same time. Please email or
if you are unable to connect during any chats with your yahoo id.
NOTICE: The free chats are to be used to ask
questions about the agency and simple question about a lady that is available during
the chat. It is not designed to be used as a one-to-one chat with the ladies. The
staff may limit the free chat to new members if too many men are online during the chats
or attempts of a private one-to-one chat occurs too often. We have many men who are
learning about the ladies and agency and need to limit the free chats to the new guys. The
old timers know they can order one-to one chats at any time.
Monday though Friday from 4pm
to 6pm (9am to 11am EST)
Saturday and Sunday 5pm to 8pm local time. (10am-1pm Eastern time)
Kherson is 7hrs ahead of Eastern time.
Free group chats are located at
24hrs a day also.
To connect to office video PRIVATE
chat/free chat:
1. Start Yahoo Msg,
2. Click on the (ADD +) button. A screen "how would you like to add a
friend" will show up.
3. Click on (By Yahoo ID) then click next.
4. In the field "Enter friends ID" type khersongirlsoffice
5. Click Finish |
PRIVATE VIDEO CHAT can be arranged with
your ladies. Just click on your lady that you like and select video chat.
Be sure to contact us using ICQ. Live everyday at the office.
# 177708086 |
Yahoo MSG
Downloaded |
khersongirlsOffice |
See Live video from our office daily. Click here |
All of the ladies waiting for the free video chat. |
If you have any questions please
email me at